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Selectmen's Minutes October 2, 1995
              Selectmen's Meeting - October 2, 1995

Selectmen Attending: Judith Murdoch, James Haggerty, Chair; and
Catherine Kuchinski, Clerk.  Also attending: Joseph Nugent,
Executive Secretary to the Board of Selectmen.

Haggerty brought the meeting to order at 7:20pm in WHRHS
auditorium before the start of the Annual October Town Meeting.

Also present: Water Commissioners Bickford, Andrews (Chair),
Dahlberg and Morway.  Town Counsel also present.

I. Article 18 on Town Meeting Warrant: Nugent reported
conversation with Capital Improvement Committee and Dahlberg as
representative of Water Commissioners regarding this article.
The consensus was that the Water Department vehicle could be
transferred to the Town in lieu of $8,000 being credited to water
department expenses line.  This type of transaction would be
helpful to the Town's purchase plan for new police cruisers next
year.  Details of transaction would have to be worked out but
this concept has the support of the Board of Selectmen.

II. Street Lighting Committee Recommendation: Report was received
and read that the Committee recommends a second light be added to
the Town Lighting line at the location of the entrance to the
Industrial Park for an approximate cost of $96 annually.  Motion
10/2/95.1: move to install the light at the entrance to the
Industrial Park as recommended by the Street Lighting Committee.
Motion made by Kuchinski with second by Murdoch.  Motion carried

III. Article 18 Funding methodology:  Barbara Gomez addressed the
Board about a meeting she and Carole McCormack attended Friday in
Framingham where DOR discussed the uses for water surplus monies
(i.e. for exploration, maintenance, construction, emergencies,
etc.)  She discussed findings with Water Superintendent Ed Reed
this morning and then further this afternoon with DOR.  She
believes the funding options for this article is to either take
the monies from the water expense line for the first year as a
lease-purchase or to motion to transfer monies from water surplus
and then await a formal letter of decision from the DOR on the
matter since she as Town Accountant could not sign any Purchase
Order under the cloud around the use of water surplus monies for
the purchase of the vehicle.  Water Commissioners indicated they
would use the expense line method and Selectmen had no problem
with their decision.

IV. Adjournment. Motion 10/2/95.2: move to adjourn.  Motion by
Murdoch with second by Kuchinski.  Motion carried 3-0. Adjourned
at 7:35pm.   

No Selectmen Meeting occurred October 3, 1995.